Become A Patient
Thank you for choosing Katahdin Valley Health Center as your healthcare provider!
Follow the easy step-by-step process below to become a new patient here at Katahdin Valley Health Center.
If you have any questions, please call us at 207-538-3700 and our team will be happy to assist you. If you have any problems with the form links or would prefer to fill out our forms by hand, please give us a call and we will help you receive a paper or PDF copy.
If this is an emergency, please call 911. If you have an acute need to be seen today, please call us at 207-538-3700 and do not use the forms below. Thank you!
Before your first visit, you will need to complete the form below. Please fill out this form before moving on to the steps below!
One simple form will allow you to register for any or all of our services. Please make sure you fill out as much of the form as possible, and don’t forget to check the box letting us know what services you are signing up for!
This form allows us to retrieve your medical/dental records from your previous provider(s). Having these records ensures that we are providing you with the quality care that you deserve!
Please fill out either the application form for our Sliding Fee Discount Program, or the Refusal Form if you feel you will not be eligible for the Sliding Fee or do not wish to take advantage of the discount.
Sliding Fee Discount Application
Sliding Fee Discount Refusal Form
Please upload your financial documents to support your application here:
Sliding Fee Document Upload Form
With this form, you can quickly and easily transfer your existing prescriptions to our KVHC Pharmacy, located in Houlton, Patten, Millinocket, and Dover-Foxcroft. Our Pharmacy has so much to offer, from the Prescription Savings Plan to Mail Order and Home Delivery!
KVHC Pharmacy Prescription Transfer Form (OPTIONAL)
Please be sure to arrive at least 15-30 minutes early for your first appointment to check in and fill out any remaining forms.
Please Plan To Bring The Following:
- If you requested paper or PDF copies of our forms, please bring a completed, printed copy of those forms.
- A valid drivers license or other ID.
- ALL of your insurance cards, including any Medicare or Medicaid cards.
- If you have insurance, please bring any copay amount due.
- Your prescription medication bottles, as well as a list of any over-the-counter medications you take.
- A list of your health concerns and questions.
Have you changed your Primary Care Provider (PCP) with your insurance?
If you have MaineCare, please call (800) 977-6740 and change your current PCP to Katahdin Valley Health Center.
If you have commercial insurance, please call the number on the back of your insurance card and change your current PCP to Katahdin Valley Health Center.
If you are unable to make your appointment, please contact us at 1-866-366-5842 ext. 332 and we would be happy to reschedule.
We look forward to seeing you!