Contact Us

We want to hear from you!

Since 1974, your comments and questions have helped Katahdin Valley Health Center bring rural Maine quality healthcare. Help us make the future even better.

Send us your questions about KVHC and we’ll help you find the answers. We’re also interested in your experiences with KVHC. Give us your suggestions for our web site and/or care, or even share your favorite KVHC story.

We hope to hear from you soon!

Contact Us Online

Please DO NOT use our contact forms for medical questions, our Patient Portal is the best method for contacting your provider. If you have a health emergency, please call 911.

Select the contact form below that best matches your question or comment.

Contact Info:

Clinic Contact Info:

Phone:            207-435-6341
Medical Fax:  1-855-743-8323

Phone:            207-965-8700
Medical Fax:  1-844-213-5225

Phone:            207-564-0372
Medical Fax:  1-833-471-5987

Phone:             207-521-0022
Medical Fax:  1-855-332-9976

Phone:            207-794-8176
Medical Fax:  207-794-8805

Phone:            207-723-6561
Medical Fax:  1-855-332-3361

Phone:            207-528-2285
Medical Fax:  1-855-849-8457

KVHC CARES Feedback Form

Let us know what you think! Please tell us about your recent visit to KVHC. 

Please do not ask health care questions on this form. If you have an emergency, please call 911. 

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I am satisfied with my care at KVHC:
If you would like to be contacted by a KVHC representative about your experience today, please leave your name and e-mail address below.

Patient Complaint Form

We are sorry to hear that you have a complaint. Please fill out this form and a KVHC representative will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.

Billing Questions Form

Use the form below to contact the Katahdin Valley Health Center Billing Department. If you are in urgent need of billing assistance, please call us at 207-538-3700.

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My billing question is for:

KVHC Contact Form

Do have a comment or question for us? Fill out the form below. 

Please DO NOT use this form for questions about your appointments or health care.

Call 911 if you have an emergency. 

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.

Question of the Month March 2025

Please answer the question(s) below. You may then enter your contact information for a chance to WIN a $25 food gift certificate!
(All participants must be 18 years or older, and must reside in Aroostook, Penobscot, or Piscataquis County to be eligible for the gift certificate drawing.)
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Do you feel that your KVHC location's hours of operation are meeting your needs?
Please enter your contact information below to be entered into our giveaway.

Become A Patient Today

Use the form below to begin your journey towards becoming a KVHC patient. Fill out the fields below to the best of your knowledge, and hit the Submit button. A KVHC representative will review your information and get back to you as soon as possible.

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Date of Birth
I would like to become a patient for the following services: (Please check all that apply.)

KVHC Holiday Closures

All Katahdin Valley Health Center clinics and pharmacies will be CLOSED on December 31 – January 1 in observance of New Years, with the following exceptions:
  • Walk-In Care and the KVHC Pharmacy in Houlton and Dover-Foxcroft will be OPEN each day from 11am-7pm
Please call us at 207-538-3700 for any urgent matters. Thank you!

KVHC CARES Feedback Form

This form is for feedback only, please do not ask medical questions.
If you have a medical emergency, please call 911.
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
I am satisfied with my care at KVHC:
If you would like to be contacted by a KVHC representative about your experience today, please leave your name and e-mail address below.