KVHC Speech Therapy

We offer Speech Therapy Services In All KVHC Locations via Telehealth

Speech is an essential part of life. We use communication, speech, and language to connect with those around us every day. Speech therapy services can assist in improving and optimizing our ability to communicate and swallow.

Speech Therapy can assist with:

Speech Issues

  • Articulation and Phonology: Difficulty producing certain speech sounds, substitution of one sound for another, omission/addition of sounds, distortion of sounds or indistinct speech.
  • Fluency: Fluency refers to how sounds, syllables, words, and phrases flow together when speaking. A fluency disorder may also be referred to as “stuttering.”
  • Dysarthria: A speech disorder caused by weak muscles due to brain damage. Individuals may have slurred speech, abnormal breathing patterns, voice/resonance impairments, or difficulty controlling rate of speech.
  • Apraxia of Speech: Difficulty in the coordination, planning or programming of speech movements without muscle weakness.

Language Problems

  • Aphasia: Typically caused by stroke or head trauma, aphasia is an inability to understand or produce language because of damage to certain areas of the brain.
  • Cognitive-Communication Deficit: Difficulties with attention, memory, problem-solving, organization, reasoning or social skills. These individuals may struggle to complete daily tasks at home, school or work. Common causes include brain damage, dementia, or stroke.
  • Language-based learning difficulties: Often impacting literacy development, these neurological differences affect skills such as reading, spelling, writing, understanding, or expressing thoughts.

Related Disorders

  • Swallowing: Referred to as dysphagia, a swallowing disorder impacts the ability to chew or swallow successfully, resulting in choking, aspiration, weight loss or pneumonia.
  • Voice: Voice difficulties include hoarseness, breathiness, abnormal pitch/ resonance, impaired loudness, or other qualities that impact vocal function.
  • Augmentative/Alternative Communication (AAC): Children and adults with communication disorders may benefit from using additional devices or techniques to facilitate interaction with their environment.
KVHC accepts all patients and insurance types. We also accept MaineCare and uninsured patients. 
All are welcome!

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Question of the Month March 2025

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(All participants must be 18 years or older, and must reside in Aroostook, Penobscot, or Piscataquis County to be eligible for the gift certificate drawing.)
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KVHC CARES Feedback Form

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KVHC Holiday Closures

All Katahdin Valley Health Center clinics and pharmacies will be CLOSED on December 31 – January 1 in observance of New Years, with the following exceptions:
  • Walk-In Care and the KVHC Pharmacy in Houlton and Dover-Foxcroft will be OPEN each day from 11am-7pm
Please call us at 207-538-3700 for any urgent matters. Thank you!

KVHC CARES Feedback Form

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If you have a medical emergency, please call 911.
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